Sight (in all its glory)

“I’d like to have enough time and quiet
To think about absolutely nothing,
To not ever feel myself living,
To only know myself in others’ eyes, reflected.”
― Alberto Caeiro, The Collected Poems of Alberto Caeiro


This is my view this afternoon. Drinking tea and making goals for winter vacation. And the best part is…I can see!

It is still a bit strange to lie down for bed at night with complete awareness of my surroundings. Soon, I will get used to it, but currently the absence of haze and blur that remind my brain it is time for bed is disconcerting. There seems to be too much visual stimulation.

Conversely, I find it much easier to wake up in the morning, without the comfortable fog distorting my vision. I am astutely aware of where I am, how beautiful the sunrise is, and exactly what time it is.

Thanksgiving was wonderful. Three days of early-season skiing with friends. Delicious food with Galen’s family. Anticipation for the new niece or nephew (ready for delivery any day now)! And always, thought-provoking conversations with friends and so much laughter my belly still hurts.

I am starting to feel like me again and it feels good.